

Using a combination of specific Massage techniques, your massage experience provides both Physical and Psychological rewards, relaxing your MIND BODY and SOUL.

Circulation improves, energy levels increase, and tired muscles become more mobile as the tension is kneaded away. Your nerves are soothed and the body’s systems stimulated.

Whether incorporated with other treatments, or enjoyed on its own, a massage isn’t just a treat – it is an important tool in boosting your general well-being, where the power of touch, beautiful aromatherapy oils and a peaceful setting combine to dissolve tension and deeply relax. Upon arrival personalize your treatment with a choice of aromatherapy oils to start you on your massage journey.



For an all over smoothing and exfoliating body ritual, let us soak your body in luxury, by stimulating and scrubbing your dead cells away. A perfect compliment to any massage or wrap, or simply for a radiant polished skin.

Legs (including nourishing moisturiser) $25.00

Back and Arms $35.00

Full body $50.00

Therapeutic, Firm Pressure, Relaxation, Target Areas available Massage Boosters

Individual massage or shared massage options available.

25min massage (target areas)                        $65.00

40min massage                                               $88.00

50min massage                                                $110.00

80min massage                                               $165.00

Pregnancy Massage 40min $85.00

Massage Boosters


-Foot exfoliation and Massage $20.00

-Hand exfoliation and Massage $20.00

-Scalp Massage $20.00

-Eyebrow Tint $20.00

-Eyebrow Shape $20.00

-Eyebrow Shape and Brow tint $30.00

-Eyelash Tint $30.00

-Eyelash tint, Eyebrow tint, Eyebrow shape $60.00

*PLEASE NOTE: The above treatments are ADD-ONS and can only be booked with a Massage Treatment

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage Therapy melts away tension, eases muscle stiffness, and increases circulation and metabolism. The Hot Stones encourage blood flow throughout the body, and have a sedative effect, that can relieve chronic pain, reduce stress, and promote deep relaxation.

Hot Stone Massage 55min                               $135.00

Hot Stone for two 55min $120.00 per person

Four Handed Massage or Duo Massage 

Is a choreographed, two therapist treatment.  Using slow detailed moves of varying paces and pressures, delivering all the benefits of massage, but with an increased wellness effect.  If you are a massage junkie and have never tried a Four Handed Massage….. INDULGE in this unique experience.

FOUR Handed Massage 55min (2 Therapists)  $195.00